
BA in Fashion Design

Website Universum
Last Update February 13, 2025
0 already enrolled

Overview of the Program

UNI – Universum International College intertwines academic excellence with global empowerment through its partnership with Arizona State University, një institucion i njohur për inovacionin dhe përkushtimin e tij për të ndërtuar liderët e së ardhmës.

Transform your passion for fashion into a fulfilling career with our Fashion Design program! Mësoni teknikat më të fundit me teknologjinë më inovative, bashkohuni me nismën e dizajnerëve të nivelit botëror duke u futur thellë në gjenezën e artit të dizajnit. Filloni rrugëtimin tuaj drejt një karriere të suksesshme në Dizajn Mode sot!


The profession that combines the ability to create from scratch and being creative, while being able to travel widely.
American Standards Education
Studies and Internships in 28 EU countries and Turkey with FULL ERASMUS SCHOLARSHIP
Professional internship and employment opportunities
Dual Degree Diploma & powered by Arizona State University
Access to the Arizona State University curriculum

Mundësitë e Punësimit pas Diplomimit

Graduates in Fashion Design have the following employment opportunities:

  • Employment in local and international Fashion Houses as Fashion Designers and Stylists
  • Employment as Fashion Illustrator, Textile Designer, Fashion Writer, Personal Stylist
  • Hapja e Ateliesë suaj.
The curriculum
First year
Semester I Semester II
No. Subject ECTS No. Subject ECTS
1 History of Fashion Design 5 1 Fashion Design Sketches II 5
2 Fashion Design Sketches I 5 2 CAD for Textiles and Clothing 5
3 Creative Thinking 4 3 Cutting the Material and Making the Garment II 6
4 Fine Arts 6 4 Basics of Textiles and Fashion Design 6
5 Cutting the Material and Making the Garment I 6 5 Draping 4
6 Sewing Techniques 6 6 Elective
  • English
  • Digital Photography
  • Color theory
  • Costume designing
  • 6
    7 Study Skills 2
    Second year
    Semester III Semester IV
    No. Subject ECTS No. Subject ECTS
    1 Textile Technology 5 1 Analysis of trends 5
    2 Fashion Collection 5 2 Sustainable Design 6
    3 Studio e Projektimit 6 3 Selection and Determination of materials 5
    4 Visual Communication 5 4 Design Studio II 6
    5 Fashion Styling 5 5 Marketing for Creative Industries 4
    6 Elective
  • Art Management
  • Visualization Techniques
  • English
  • Art/Craft Maker
  • 4 6 Elective
  • English
  • Branding and Identity
  • Product Design
  • Strategy Vizualization for Merchandising
  • 4
    Second year
    Semester V Semester VI
    No. Subject ECTS No. Subject ECTS
    1 Strategic Design and Management 6 1 Advanced Fashion Studies 6
    2 Accessory Design 6 2 Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation in Fashion 6
    3 Sewing Techniques and Leather Design 6 3 Career Orientation and Practical Work 6
    4 Project Management 6 4 Diploma /Capstone Project 10
    5 Research Methods in Design 5

    Enrollment Criteria

    Që të regjistroheni , duhet të dorëzoni këto dokumente ONLINE ose fizikisht:

    • Certifikata e lindjes
    • ● High school diploma
    • Dëftesat e notave (kl. 10, 11, 12)
    • Certifikatën e testit të maturës

    Për ata që kanë mbaruar shkollimin jashtë Kosovës, dokumentet duhet të jenë të legalizuara nga Ministria e Arsimit, Shkencës dhe Teknologjisë e Republikës së Kosovës.

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