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BA in Fashion Design

Xhelal Jashari
Last Update April 19, 2024
0 already enrolled

Program overview

UNI – Universum International College ndërthur përsosmërinë akademike me fuqizimin global përmes partneritetit të tij me Arizona State University, një institucion i njohur për inovacionin dhe përkushtimin e tij për të ndërtuar liderët së ardhmes. Duke përfituar nga pikat e forta përkatëse të të dy institucioneve, ky partneritet krijon dhe ofron programe dhe diploma të bashkë-brenduara, që kontribuojnë në formimin e identitetit akademik të UNI-t. Mbi të gjitha ne sigurojmë që studentët tanë të marrin një kurrikulë arsimore në përputhje me standardet më të avancuara të vendosura nga ky institucion i njohur ne nivel global. Eksploroni programet e ndryshme të të ofruara nga UNI, secila e projektuar me përpikëri për të ofruar një përzierje unike të bazës teorike dhe përvojës praktike, si rezultat i përpjekjeve bashkëpunuese midis UNI dhe Universitetit Shtetëror të Arizonës. UNI vazhdon të tregojë përkushtimin e tyre për nxitjen e inovacionit dhe gjithëpërfshirjes brenda arsimit të lartë.Transformoni pasionin tuaj për modë në një karrierë përmbushëse me programin tonë të Dizajnit të Modës!Learn the latest techniques with the most innovative technology, join the initiative of world-class designers by delving deep into the genesis of the art of design. Start your journey to a successful career in Fashion Design today!

Reasons to study in this program

  1. Create your collections from the first year and present those creations at Prishtina Fashion Night
  2. Studies with American Standards
  3. Studies and Internship in 28 EU countries and Turkey with FULL ERASMUS SCHOLARSHIP
  4. Professional internship and employment opportunities
  5. Dual Degrees
  6. Qasje në kurrikulen e Arizona State University

Employment opportunities after graduation

Graduates in Fashion Design have the following employment opportunities:

  • Employment in local and international Fashion Houses as Fashion Designers and Stylists
  • Employment as Fashion Illustrator, Textile Designer, Fashion Writer, Personal Stylist
  • Opening your Atelier



First year
Semester ISemester II
1History of Fashion Design (O)51Fashion Design Sketches II (O)5
2Fashion Design Sketches I (O)52CAD for Textiles and Clothing5
3Creative Thinking (O)43Cutting the Material and Making the Garment – Part Two (O)6
4Fine Arts (O)44Basics of Textiles and Fashion Design (O)6
5Cutting the Material and Making the Garment – Part One (O)65Draping (O)4
6Sewing Techniques (O)66English language (Z)4
7Study skills (O)27Color theory (Z)4
8Digital Photography (Z)4
9Costume designer (Z)4
Second year
Semester IIISemester IV
1Textile Technology (O)51Trend Forecasting (O)5
2Fashion Collection (O)52Sustainable Design (O)6
3Design Studio (O)63Material Specification and Selection (O)5
4Visual Communication (O)54Design Studio 2 (O)
5Fashion Styling (O)55Marketing for the Creative Industries (O)4
6Art Management (Z)46English language (Z)4
7Visualization Techniques (Z)47Branding and Advertising (Z)4
8English language (Z)48Product Design (Z)4
9Arts/Crafts Production (Z)49Visual Merchandising (Z)4
Third year
Semester VSemester VI
1Strategic Design and Management (O)61Advanced Fashion Studies (O)6
2Accessory Design (O)62Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation in Fashion (O)6
3Tailoring Techniques and Leather Design (O)63Career Orientation and Practical Work (O)8
4Research Methods in Design (O)64Diploma Topic/Capstone Project (O)10
5Project Management (Z)6
6Human Resources (Z)6
7Organizational Behavior (Z)6
8Leadership (Z)6


STUDIES FUNDED BY BUSINESSES Universum College in cooperation with partner companies offers dual studies according to the German concept, through which students benefit:
  • 100% financing of studies for 3 years
  • Professional internship from the first year
  • Semestral exchange with full scholarship in 221 universities, 26 European countries
  • Guaranteed employment after graduation
  • Win a SCHOLARSHIP for 3 years of study and start your career now by applying here

Registration requirements

  • To enroll in our programs, all applicants must submit ONLINE or physically the following documents:
  • ● Birth certificate
  • ● High school diploma
  • ● Grade slips for cl. 10, 11 and 12
  • ● Matriculation test certificate
  • Legalized documents issued by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology of the Republic of Kosovo for all those who have completed their education outside the Republic of Kosovo.

Your Instructors

Xhelal Jashari

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