UNI opens call for 154 student exchange scholarships at 148 universities in 26 European countries
September 2, 2024 2024-11-19 14:59UNI opens call for 154 student exchange scholarships at 148 universities in 26 European countries

UNI opens call for 154 student exchange scholarships at 148 universities in 26 European countries
As part of internationalization strategy #UNI powered by Arizona State University opens the call for 154 scholarships for student exchange in 148 partner universities in 26 European countries.
Scholarships are valid for all #UNI students, in all campuses and majors, Bachelor and Master level.
Exchange information:
• Student exchange for semester studies
• Study period: Spring semester 2024
• Scholarship duration: 1 Semester
• Monthly allowance: 800-850 euros
• Round-trip transport costs: 275-360 euros
Necessary criteria for application:
• Completion of at least one semester (5 exams completed) at UNI
• Voluntary work and active participation in various organizations at UNI
• Average grade of at least 7.5
• APPLICATION: The application for student exchange is made HERE
For any additional questions, write to us or make an appointment with the International Office. It is our pleasure to help you transform your life through studying abroad.
See the list of Universities Here
#TransformoLife #StudioJashtëVendit #UniversumEshteNerkombtar