Java Ndërkombëtare

International Week

The seventh international Erasmus staff week

UNI - Universum International College ka kënaqësinë të ju njoftoj për Javën e Shtatë Ndërkombëtare të stafit Erasmus. Një program trajnimi një javor që synon të bashkojë koleget nga institucionet tona partnere dhe Universitete të tjera të huaja në kuadër të Programit Erasmus+. Programi do të përfshijë ngjarje të ndryshme rrjetëzimi, gjatë të cilave pjesëmarrësit mund të prezantojnë institucionet e tyre të origjinës dhe të takojnë studentët dhe koordinatorët lokalë të Erasmus+

The International Staff Week will take place in Prishtina, Kosovo from 8 – 12 May, 2023 and will be open to all University academic and administrative staff.

Guide to Accommodation and Transport

Participants in the International Week benefit from these experiences:



To become familiar with the hosting institution, academic activities such as campus tours, fairs, speeches from professors, individual meetings etc. are organized.


Participants get a glimpse of the country's economic nature through various visits at local companies in Kosovo.


International Week participants are able to experience the local culture in all its forms through different museum visits, local cuisine, meetings etc.

Social Networking

Besides experiencing the local life, there is the unique chance to meet a variety of cultures - thanks to all the participants.

Universum International College encourages the participation of all international partners who are welcome to come along for what we hope will be an interesting, fun and educational experience.

Please see a video from last year’s International Staff Week: