Programet Profesionale

Vocational programs

Level 3, 4 and 5

UNI - Universum International College, in addition to regular university and postgraduate programs, offers professional programs of level 3, 4 and 5; professional certifications and trainings, with international licenses in various fields.

Çertifikimet Profesionale

Professional trainings

Marketing and Sales Training

Universum International College ka një numër të madh të instruktorëve të licencuar kombëtarë dhe ndërkombëtarë që ofrojnë trajnime modulare në Marketing dhe Shitje. Pjesëmarrësit mësojnë strategji, njohuri dhe metodologji të përparuara të marketingut koherent. Trajnimi intensiv rrit kapacitetet e pjesëmarrësve të suksesshëm. Në këtë mënyrë, ata bëhen ekspertë në fushën e marketingut dhe rrisin shitjet e produkteve në institucionet që ata punojnë.

Public Relations - PR

Universum International College has various national and international licenses, which authorize our experts to train and provide international certifications in public relations. Participants learn advanced strategies, knowledge and methodologies on how to manage public institutions, how to design and implement PR strategies, and how to respond to the public in institutions.

Training in the Edexel package

Edexel is a professional training package developed in the United Kingdom. Universum International College is the only institution accredited and licensed to offer Edexcel training in Kosovo. Edexcel consists of intensive training in: management, marketing, accounting, business development, ICT training, human resource management, and various other business-related modules.