

UNI mbanë trajnim për orientim në karrierë për nxënësit e Qendrës së Kompetencës

UNI- Universum International College ka mbajtur trajnim për orientim në karrierë për nxënësit e Qendrës së Kompetencës "Kujtim Krasniqi" në Malishevë.
Në këtë trajnim stafi i UNI ishte i gatshëm për të ofruar këshilla që mund t'i ndihmojnë ata në përcaktimin e rrugës së tyre profesionale. Një nga pikat kyçe ishte përqendrimi në aftësitë e tyre unike dhe pasionet personale dhe si këto mund të ndihmojnë në zgjedhjen e një fushe të caktuar profesionale dhe studimore.

Studentët e UNI organizuan aktivitete për Ditën Botërore të Shëndetit Oral

Studentët ishin pjesë e 4 aktiviteteve, duke ofruar demonstrime dhe këshilla për nevojat individuale të higjienës orale. Ata që u bashkangjiten këtyre aktiviteteve patën rastin të shihnin demonstrime nga pajisje të ndryshme për kujdesin e dhëmbëve dhe gojës.🦷🪥
Aktivitetet u zhvilluan në shkollën fillore "Enver Topalli", në Kopshtin Kaon & Marin, në Shkollën Finlandeze si dhe në UNI-Universum International College.

Studentët e UNI ofrojnë shërbime mjekësore në sheshin e Ferizajit

Studentët e UNI këtë javë qëndruan në qendrën e qytetit të Ferizajit, për të qenë më pranë qytetarëve duke ju ofruar kujdes, matje tensioni, matje të glikemisë dhe këshilla shëndetësore të ndryshme.
Studentët gjatë këtij aktiviteti u njoftuan nga afër me praktikimin e këtyre teknikave duke i praktikuar ato si fillim në raste më të thjeshta dhe duke krijuar një njohje më të mirë me pacientët dhe të procedurave shëndetësore infermierore. 

Trajnimi vjetor për drejtorët dhe profesorët e shkollave të mesme

Ky trajnim dy ditor kishte për qëllim diskutimin për bashkëpunim dhe ndërlidhjen në mes UNI si institucion i arsimit të lartë dhe shkollave të mesme, duke ju ofruar nxënësve arsim të klasit botëror përmes ndjekjes së lëndëve 𝑭𝑨𝑳𝑨𝑺 nga 𝑻𝒉𝒖𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒃𝒊𝒓𝒅 𝑺𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒐𝒍 𝒐𝒇 𝑮𝒍𝒐𝒃𝒂𝒍 𝑴𝒂𝒏𝒂𝒈𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕 e rankuar si Shkolla Nr.1 në botë për 𝑀𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑛𝑒̈ 𝐺𝑙𝑜𝑏𝑎𝑙 𝑀𝑎𝑛𝑎𝑔𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 dhe 𝐔𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐭𝐢 𝐒𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐭𝐞̈𝐫𝐨𝐫 𝐢 𝐀𝐫𝐢𝐳𝐨𝐧𝐞̈𝐬 (𝐀𝐒𝐔), i rankuar si Universiteti Nr.1 në SHBA për inovacion. 
Në fund të trajnimit dy ditor të gjithë pjesëmarrësit u certifikuan.
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Turnir basketbolli për nder të Pavarsisë së Kosovës

Ky aktivitet është organizuar në bashkëpuni with Komunën e Prishtinës, Drejtoria për Sport - Komuna e Prishtinës and Kosovo Basketball Federation,  me nxënës të 18 shkollave të mesme në Kosovë.  Fitues të çmimit të parë u shpallën nxënësit e Gjimnazi i shkencave natyrore "Sami Frashëri" Prishtinë, të cilët u shpëblyen me 300 euro nga Burger King.

Local Companies Fair

This activity is organized in cooperation with the Kosovo Business Alliance, Kosovo Investment and Enterprise Support Agency - KIESA, supported by the Ministry of Industry, Entrepreneurship and Trade. The event has gathered over 60 local companies to promote local initiatives and contribute to the growth of the country's economy.

Sixth International Teaching Week

This activity gathered 13 participants from Belgium, Portugal, Romania, Lithuania, Poland and Bulgaria. During this week, lecturers from UNI's partner university – Universum International College participated and presented to UNI students who benefited from this experience. This activity was an exceptional opportunity to exchange ideas and improve the quality of education by including an international perspective in local teaching.

World Diabetes Day Activities

During this activity, students demonstrated to the citizens the measurement of blood sugar levels with the aim of awareness and awareness for a healthier life.

Networking and Socializing in Tirana

The Activities Office at the Ferizaj Campus organized a visit to Tirana for all UNI - Universum International College students. This activity was held at the beginning of the new academic year 2023/24 to network and socialize with each other.

Halloween Fest at UNI Ferizaj campus

UNI – Universum International College students decorated the campus spaces in Ferizaj for Halloween night – Halloween Camp. This activity was eagerly awaited by UNI students.

Public Lecture for the Pink month

Today, UNI - Universum International College powered by Arizona State University held a Public Lecture, which was organized during Pink Month, about Breast Cancer Awareness.
The former president of the Republic of Kosovo, Mrs. Atifete Jahjaga, was present. The panel included Vlora Çitaku, Vildana Goga, Leonora Shabani Bajraktari, Albena Reshitaj, Izet Sadiku, and representatives from the Kosovo Security Force.

Erasmus Days

The International Office of UNI - Universum International College organized various activities for #ErasmusDays and #Orientation Weeks for young students.
During this event, various activities were organized to inform students about opportunities to study abroad.

Local Companies Fair

This activity is organized in cooperation with the Kosovo Business Alliance, Kosovo Investment and Enterprise Support Agency - KIESA, supported by the Ministry of Industry, Entrepreneurship and Trade. The event has gathered over 60 local companies to promote local initiatives and contribute to the growth of the country's economy.

Albanian Developers Conference

Albanian Developers Conference, the largest conference in the IT field organized by Universum International College and Albanian Developers, which brought together the successful programmers of the market and the programmers of the future.

Activities of the Nursing Department

By providing medical services to citizens, Nursing students,  are creating a hands-on learning environment, in which, each upon graduation is equipped with the knowledge, skills and values to provide patient care.

Prishtina Fashion Night

Universum International College students presented over 45 creations at the biggest fashion event in the country Prishtina Fashion Nights 2022. Our students were engaged in real hands-on projects since their first year of studies.

Coding day

In Coding day, students of the Computer Science Department are engaged in real hands-on projects as of their first year of studies. This provides them the opportunity to create innovative projects and be as close to the labor market as possible.

International Teaching Week

International Teaching Week and the Scientific Conference brought together 20 scientists from different countries from Europe, who presented innovative ideas on social, political, economic and health issues.

Graduation Ceremony

Excitement, pride, and gratitude are what they feel. Once-in-a-lifetime experience. UNI GRADUATION CEREMONY - GENERATION 2021/2022

Entrepreneurship Week

Entrepreneurship Week, the week in which our students develop and put into practice their ideas about creating a business or a business idea.


KosICT, the biggest technology event in Kosovo, where Universum International College was also a participant. Our students were informed about the latest technologies and the demands of the labor market.

Red My Lips

Red My Lips, Universum International College students, part of the #RedMyLips global campaign to raise social awareness of violence against girls and women.

Donate Blood

Donate Blood is an action organized by Universum International College to donate blood for people in need.

Halloween Party

Halloween Party#HalloweenParty, with Universum International College's students.

Join and donate

Universum International College, in cooperation with the students, organizes the campaign "Join and donate" every year, through which they contribute with symbolic gifts for families with severe economic conditions so that they can enjoy these end-of-year holidays, no matter how little.

Computer Science BootCamp

BootCamp in Computer Science where students work on real projects under the assistance of IT industry experts The focus of experiential learning at #UNI is for students to apply and develop their knowledge and skills in a work environment, where this will help you for joining the labor market.

Graphic Design BootCamp

Graphic Design BootCamp, students continuously apply and develop their knowledge and skills in a practical work environment.

Prishtina StreetBall

Prishtina StreetBall, students every year participate in such sports events.


BBQ Day, an annual and very attractive event for students.

Fun Learning Day

Fun Learning Day, the event is realized in order to organize educational, entertainment and sports activities for students. 

Universum Speech Contest

Universum Speech Contest, aims to encourage knowledge and positive competition among students in various fields.

Security BlockChain

Security BlockChain, is realized in order for students to be informed about the latest developments in the field of cyber security.

Verbal Boxing

Verbal Boxing, through the concept of showing a television program, with the division of roles between students, aims to create a debate, with the aim of strengthening communication skills in the English language.

British Day

British Day is organized with the aim of informing students about the British history, culture and its heritage.

German Day in Universum International College

German Day, the day when students are introduced to facts about Germany, its founding, republics, language and culture.

Happiness Wall

 To mark the day of happiness, the students have created the, Happiness Wall where they put the reasons why they are happy.

Universum Talks

Universum Talks, an activity held with various industry personalities with the aim of informing students about the labor market.

Study visits

Vizitat Studimore, are held within each program with the aim of informing students about the labor market.

Coffee Lecture

Coffee Lecture, an activity held with the aim of our students learning from the practices of professionals.

Android Day

Android Day, the day when our students program mobile applications.

Code Summer Fest

Code Summer Fest, free programming (coding) training for all high school seniors.

Bowling Challenge

Universum International College also takes care of the entertainment of the students in the Bowling Challange

Exhibition "Origami Meets Fashion"

Our Fashion Design students’ exhibition "Origami Meets Fashion".


Exhibition with the creations of our students.

Voluntary activity of the students from the English language department

Our students, Rinesa Derguti, Elmedina Bytyqi & Ermira Meliqi, were proudly engaged and enjoyed serving Roma, Ashkali and Egyptian communities, during the winter semester 2022. This community service was implemented at Dubrave Village, Municipality of Ferizaj, Kosovo.


Activity report

FREE Medical Services (measurement of glycemia, blood pressure) from Universum College Students

Over 200 citizens of the Municipality of Ferizaj received free medical services from students of Universum College of Nursing Department.
The students were happy to offer care, blood pressure measurement, glycemic measurement and health advice to the citizens in "Hyre Emini" Square.
The activity was organized in cooperation with the Main Center of Family Medicine - Ferizaj.


Activity link:

Voluntary activity: World Health Day celebrated in Pristina organized by Universum College Students

World Health Day was marked by a group of activities organized by the Municipality of Prishtina, the Ministry of Defense and students from Universum College.
Our students encourage citizens to pay special attention to health, as this is the greatest asset a person can have!


Activity link:

Medical training with high school graduates

We had the pleasure of welcoming to our Campus in Ferizaj more than 200 high school graduates from the region who attended training in Medical Programs such as #Nursing, #Physiotherapy and #EstheticHygieneDental.
During the training, the graduates had the opportunity to test their knowledge in the field of medicine and carried out activities such as measuring blood pressure, measuring glycemia, demonstrating the administration of infusion, treating wounds, etc.


Activity link: