
Career and Wellbeing Center


Zyra e Karrierës dhe Mirëqenies studentore kujdeset të keshillojë dhe ndihmojë studentet duke ju sigurar punë praktike secilit student të UNI-Universum International College nëpër kompani të ndryshme vendore dhe ndërkombëtare.

The mission of the Career Office is to assist students in their journey towards professional development through the services (tools) needed for career success.

Të gjithë studentët mund të përfitojnë
these services from the Career office


Within this service, students will be able to receive advice regarding planning and clarifying the steps to follow for further professional development through meetings with the staff of the career office.

Trainings & workshops

Zyra e Karrierës ofron trajnime, seminare dhe tryeza diskutimi në mënyrë që secili studentë të ketë të ndërtuar dokumentet bazë për të kërkuar punë dhe t’i përgatisë ata për intervista të punës. Këtë e realizon përmes trajnimeve në vijim : Si të përpilojnë CV, Letër Motivuese; Si të plotësojmë aplikacionet për punë dhe si të përgaditen për intervistë.

Social Networking

Ky shërbim mundëson që studentët të takohen personalisht me punëdhënësit potencial. Zyra e karrierës kujdeset që të sigurojë marrëveshje me punëdhënësit, që studentët të kenë mundësi të kryerjes së punës praktike apo të punësohen në kompani të ndryshme vendore dhe ndërkombëtare, e këtë përmes pjesëmarrjes në: panaire të punës, universum Talks, vizita studimore dhe alumni Talk.


Me qëllim të promovimit të shëndetit mendor të studentëve, zyra organizon aktivitete me karakter psiko-social, ofron këshillim falas për të gjithë studentët për t’i ndihmuar me çdo problem që mund t’a bëjë të vështirë suksesin në studime apo që afekton mirëqenien. Zyra e Karrierës dhe e Mirëqenies është vetëm një email larg jush, kontakto: [email protected]

Practical work

Programi i punës praktike u zhvillua për të mundësuar dhe inkurajuar studentët që të angazhohen në një përvojë profesionale të të mësuarit përtej ligjëratave në klasë. Kryerja e punës praktike është e domosdoshme për të gjithë studentët e Universum International College, në kuadër të lëndës "Orientimi në Karrierë", dhe pas përfundimit të punës praktike në njërën nga kompanitë, organizatat, apo institucionet partnere merren 4 kredi. Varësisht nga drejtimi i studimeve, studentët i kanë të përcaktuara edhe orët e nevojshme për punë praktike.


Services for businesses

DUAL STUDIES for Business

Through this German concept, Universum International College offers the possibility of cooperation with Industry, in the formation of personnel with knowledge and practical knowledge according to market requirements. Partner businesses finance who during their studies develop practical work in companies that offer scholarships until graduation, with employment opportunities during and after studies.

Partner businesses benefit from:

  • Meeting the needs with human resources
  • Students engage in practical work 103 days/year
  • Over 5 funded scholarships, a 10% discount is offered
  • Over 50 Scholarships in the same study program, a special class is created to suit the company's requirements
  • Working relationship with students during and after studies
  • Staff exchange for participation in public lectures or events


Universum International College offers academic and professional solutions to the challenges faced by businesses and institutions, contributing to strengthening the link between education and market demands.

In this way, businesses and institutions present requests which Universum International College, through academic and professional expertise, handles and offers concrete solutions.


Universum International College has created the Co-op program, through which it enables businesses and institutions to design an academic syllabus which, after approval by the Academic Council of Universum International College, is offered as an elective course in the Universum curriculum..

Courses and Workshops

Universum College organizes FREE training for Kosovo High School graduates in #WebDevelopment. The training is organized physically at the Pristina campus, and online courses for all those who are further away and cannot physically be at the Pristina campus. The training is expected to be two days.

Training schedule:

  • Start date: April 14, 2022 (Thursday)
  • The training and transport schedule will be sent to you by email
  • Universum College Campus
  • Apply Now: https://bit.ly/3NPXt8G

At the end of the training, all graduates will be #certified and distinguished graduates will have the opportunity to be beneficiaries of scholarships for studies at Universum College, as well as #International Scholarships for studies abroad from Universum College.

Zyra e Karrierës dhe Mirëqenies Studentore në Universum International College është duke ofruar një trajnim të veçantë për përpilim të CV-së, i cili do të ju ndihmojë të përmirësoni dhe të përshtatni CV-n tuaj për të arritur sukses në punëkërkim.

Ky trajnim është i hapur për të gjithë studentët tanë dhe do të ndodhë në datën dhe vendin e mëposhtëm:

Data: 14/11/23, Kampusi Lipjan
Ora: 13:15

Trajnimin për përpilim të CV-së do ta udhëheqë koordinatorja e Zyrës së Karrierës, Agnesa Rexhaj, e cila do të ofrojë udhëzime të vlefshme dhe këshilla për krijimin e një CV të fortë dhe tërheqës. Përmbajtja e trajnimit do të përfshijë:

– Struktura e CV-së: Si të organizoni dhe prezantoni informacionin tuaj me efikasitet.

– Përzgjedhja e fjalëve dhe formulimeve të duhura për të përshkruar aftësitë tuaja.

– Përfshirja e eksperiencës së punës, praktikave, dhe aktiviteteve shkollore në CV.

– Këshilla për përpilimin e letrës së aplikimit.

Për të konfirmuar pjesëmarrjen tuaj në trajnim, ju lutemi regjistrohuni në linkun e mëposhtëm:

Universum College organizes “Training for High School Graduates – Create your own outfit for Prishtina Fashion Night”

Hurry up! 30 places are open for high school graduates.

Training will begin on April 22, 2022, at the Universum College Campus.

Are you a Graduate and interested in the field of Design? Have you dreamed of participating in the biggest fashion show in Kosovo where you will be next to the famous local and world designers, then this is the opportunity for you.

All participants will be provided with certificates of participation. The certification will take place at the Universum College campus.

#APPLY here https://forms.gle/eNmc3yMffjjCTybw8

Date of the fashion show: 05.05.2022

For additional information, contact via email [email protected]

Training link Certificate

Universum College organizes FREE training for Kosovo High School graduates in #Digital Marketing and #Social Media Management. The training will be physically organized on the Pristina campus.

Training schedule:

  • Date: May 5, 2022 (Thursday)
  • Time: 11:00-14:00
  • Universum College Campus
  • Free transport: Departure at 10:30 at Flag Circle in Pristina

At the end of the training, all graduates will be #certified and distinguished graduates will have the opportunity to be beneficiaries of scholarships for studies at Universum College, as well as #International Scholarships for studies abroad from Universum College.

Training link Certificate


In order to promote physical and mental health, the office aims to develop research to identify new strategies to help students with mental health problems such as difficulties in concentrating or completing tasks, loss of energy, or difficulties in adapting to life in Kosovo.

The Career Office will use media to inform our students and the public about issues related to well-being, using self-care techniques and informational videos on stress, anxiety, sleep problems and fatigue.

We plan to build the content with professionals working in the mental health field, including our latest partner Stress Free Corner.

Health Care Center

At UNI – Universum International College powered by Arizona State University, we have a dedicated Health Care Center (HCC) to support the well-being of our students and staff. Our university nurse and two psychologists are available from 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Monday through Friday during the academic year.

HCC helps students and staff lead healthy lives and gain the ability to self-manage their physical and mental health throughout their lives.

In addition to the general well-being of students within the campus, UNI – Universum International College has taken care to provide them with psychological well-being care.

Mental health services for students and staff as part of the Health Care Center are:

  • Special care and special importance of the psychological well-being of students,
  • Support and motivation
  • Management of stressful situations,
  • Teaching support in case of difficulties and problems that may be encountered during studies, continuous information for the prevention of problems that students may face and
  • Information sessions to raise awareness and reduce stigma to seek help with psychological services if needed.

To help students overcome the obstacles and problems of everyday life and increase the possibility of realizing their full potential inside and outside university life.

Health support center and first aid policy

Cooperation with health institutions

At UNI – Universum International College powered by Arizona State University, we prioritize the promotion and improvement of health and well-being. Our commitment to this end extends through collaborative initiatives with other institutions.

We believe that partnerships with these institutions are essential in achieving our mission to create healthier communities and promote sustainability. These collaborations take various forms, including research projects, knowledge sharing and community engagement.

Cooperation with health institutions